Connecting Community, Care and Humanity

Social and Community Participation

Social and Community Participation

Social and Community participation fall into two areas of support purpose which are Core and Capital Building mainly to enable the participant to access and integrate with the community.

Core – Assistance with Social and Community Participation

This support is included in a participant’s plan to enable them to pursue recreational activities and engage in the community when associated with a participant’s disability and goals. They may be provided in a centre or in community settings at standard or higher intensity rates. Funding for this support does not cover expenses related to recreational pursuits, such as event tickets for the participant, and the cost of entry for a paid support worker to attend a social or recreational event.

Capacity Building – Increased Social and Community Participation

This support category involves supports participation in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing the community. Skills Development and Training, and Innovative Community Participation are the two components that make up Increased Social and Community Participation under Capacity Building Support.


All supports funded under these items need to be determined as reasonable and necessary given the participant’s plan goals and could include, but are not limited to:

  • Universal recreational activities: A limited number of lessons could be funded to enable a participant to try out an activity and test their capability and interest in further pursuing this activity – such as horse riding, art, dance or singing classes
  • Funding to attend a “camp” or groups that build a person’s relationship skills and offer a range of activities and opportunities to explore wider interests.
  • Other items or adjustments such as customised tools required because of the person’s disability could also be funded.


We assist you to engage in the community, social and civic activities in your area with support from our friendly staff who will be with you throughout this process. Apart from helping you to participate, we also strengthen your ability to participate independently. We do not make the final decision, all we do is to offer you with choices based on your preferences or interest, and we leave you to make the choice of the activities then we support you to get the most out of the activities.

What We Value The Most?

Our Values

  • Quality Life

    Enhancing Quality of Life Transparency Honesty Commitment.

  • Respect

    Respect and recognition of all regardless of disability.

  • Independent Living

    Promote independence and empowering individuals living with disability lead a fulfilling life.

  • Diversity

    Celebrate diversity and Inclusiveness are the heart of everything we do.


Our Vision

Our mission is to work side by side with people we work with, providing them with the compassion, care, advocacy and support they need to live the lives they want within a supportive community. We shall achieve this through consultatively with people with a disability and their families/guardians.

Our Mission

Our mission is to work side by side with people we work with, providing them with the compassion, care, advocacy and support they need to live the lives they want within a supportive community. We shall achieve this through consultatively with people with a disability and their families/guardians.

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