Connecting Community, Care and Humanity

Assist Daily Household Tasks

Assist Daily Household Tasks

Depending on the kind of disability one possesses, people find it difficult to engage in daily chores and perform activities around their homes. From things as simple as cooking and cleaning can become a hassle if the person is living with a disability. If a person’s disability is preventing them from doing the chores efficiently, it is likely that the NDIS support plan will include services for Household Tasks.

AL Marwa Care is a certified Household Tasks NDIS provider. We help participants in a variety of tasks such as: (We mentioned certified provider for future use as it will be NDIS Registered in future so please don’t worry about that)

  • vacuuming and mopping floors
  • dusting and wiping surfaces
  • kitchen cleaning including sinks, taps, benches, microwaves
  • bathrooms including toilets, showers and baths

Our services are not restricted to those inside the house, but also activities such as:

  • gardening,
  • backyard cleaning,
  • grocery shopping,
  • garbage disposal,
  • and other permissible household tasks under the individual’s support plan.
What We Value The Most?

Our Values

  • Quality Life

    Enhancing Quality of Life Transparency Honesty Commitment.

  • Respect

    Respect and recognition of all regardless of disability.

  • Independent Living

    Promote independence and empowering individuals living with disability lead a fulfilling life.

  • Diversity

    Celebrate diversity and Inclusiveness are the heart of everything we do.


Our Vision

Our mission is to work side by side with people we work with, providing them with the compassion, care, advocacy and support they need to live the lives they want within a supportive community. We shall achieve this through consultatively with people with a disability and their families/guardians.

Our Mission

Our mission is to work side by side with people we work with, providing them with the compassion, care, advocacy and support they need to live the lives they want within a supportive community. We shall achieve this through consultatively with people with a disability and their families/guardians.

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